Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Check out my Checkbook

Could a title get more corny? Probably, but I won't go there tonight. I'm here to share my new and improved checkbook cover. You tell me which one is cuter (don't worry, I gave you a little hint).
If you guessed the super duper cool plaid one, you'd be correct! You won't be disappointed by the inside either.
Sorry if you feel like you're not getting the whole effect. I just didn't feel like putting all of our bank account information on display. The fact that I got to show off the new nail polish I got today too is just a bonus : )

And I bet you'll never guess where I got the fabric (unless you've already scrolled down...).
That's right. A pair of shorts. Those shorts gave me a few good years (ok probably more like several at this point, they needed to be retired). I wasn't loving them anymore though so they were in the formerly Goodwill, now potential sewing project pile.

The pattern, which I actually followed almost exactly, is from Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross. This is the first thing I've made out of the book, but there are other things I'm looking forward to trying like a giganto purse (my title, not hers), an apron, and pj pants.

I picked the book up at my local library and it even came with patterns! So if you haven't already, head to your library and see if they have any sewing books. I'm very happy that ours carries a few sewing books, with patterns, that were written in the last 5 years (read: the patterns are for things I would actually use/wear rather than for items like an embarrassing jacket with shoulder pads). That kind of makes up for the fact that our even localer (localer? hmm probably not a word...it's closer to our house) library is only open 2 days a week for 4 hours...or something like that. So I have to go to the not quite as local library for books.

Hmm that last bit took me a little bit off topic and made it harder to end the post.... You should check your checkbook to see if you can deposit some more style in it. Go ahead and roll your eyes, I know it that was pathetic pushing it. I hope your week is off to a good start!
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